Plot interactive parallel coordinate plots.

plotPCPApp(data = data, dataSE = NULL, pointColor = "orange")



DATA FRAME | Read counts for parallel coordinate lines


SUMMARIZEDEXPERIMENT | Summarized experiment format that can be used in lieu of data; default NULL


CHARACTER STRING | Color of overlaid points on scatterplot matrix; default "orange"


A Shiny application that shows a parallel coordinate plot and allows users to draw rectangular areas across samples and remove genes that are not inside these areas. The user can download a file that contains the gene IDs that remain.


# The first example uses data and dataMetrics objects as # input. The last example creates the same plot now using the # SummarizedExperiment (i.e. dataSE) object input. # Example: Create interactive parallel coordinate plot for genes that have # FDR < 0.01 and logFC < -4. Standardize genes to have an average of zero # and a standard deviation of one. data(soybean_ir_sub) data(soybean_ir_sub_metrics) # Create standardized version of data library(matrixStats) soybean_ir_sub_st =[,-1]), 1, scale))) soybean_ir_sub_st$ID = as.character(soybean_ir_sub$ID) soybean_ir_sub_st = soybean_ir_sub_st[,c(length(soybean_ir_sub_st), 1:length(soybean_ir_sub_st)-1)] colnames(soybean_ir_sub_st) = colnames(soybean_ir_sub) nID = which(is.nan(soybean_ir_sub_st[,2])) soybean_ir_sub_st[nID,2:length(soybean_ir_sub_st)] = 0 library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) plotGenes = filter(soybean_ir_sub_metrics[["N_P"]], FDR < 0.01, logFC < -4) %>% select(ID) pcpDat = filter(soybean_ir_sub_st, ID %in% plotGenes[,1]) app <- plotPCPApp(data = pcpDat, pointColor = "purple") if (interactive()) { shiny::runApp(app, display.mode = "normal") } # Below is the same example, only now using the # SummarizedExperiment (i.e. dataSE) object as input. # Example: Create interactive parallel coordinate plot for genes that have # FDR < 0.01 and logFC < -4. Standardize genes to have an average of zero # and a standard deviation of one. if (FALSE) { data(se_soybean_ir_sub) # Create standardized version of data library(matrixStats) se_soybean_ir_sub_st = se_soybean_ir_sub assay(se_soybean_ir_sub_st) < assay(se_soybean_ir_sub))), 1, scale))) nID <- which(is.nan([,1])) assay(se_soybean_ir_sub_st)[nID,] <- 0 # To subset our SummarizedExperiment data by a list of genes, we can # invoke the convertSESubsetGenes() method. library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) geneList <- %>% filter(N_P.FDR <= 0.01) %>% filter(N_P.logFC < -4) geneList <- geneList[,1] pcpDat <- convertSESubsetGenes(se_soybean_ir_sub_st, geneList) app <- plotPCPApp(dataSE = pcpDat, pointColor = "purple") if (interactive()) { shiny::runApp(app, display.mode = "normal") } }