Plot interactive volcano plots.

  data = data,
  dataMetrics = dataMetrics,
  dataSE = NULL,
  option = c("hexagon", "allPoints"),
  pointColor = "orange"



DATA FRAME | Read counts


LIST | Differential expression metrics. This object must contain one column named "logFC" and one column named "PValue".


SUMMARIZEDEXPERIMENT | Summarized experiment format that can be used in lieu of data; default NULL


CHARACTER STRING ["hexagon" | "allPoints"] | The background of plot; default "hexagon"


CHARACTER STRING | Color of overlaid points on scatterplot matrix; default "orange"


A Shiny application that shows a volcano plot and allows users to overlay genes depending on two values, usually a statistical value (such as P-value) and a magnitude change value (such as log fold change). The user can download a file that contains the gene IDs that pass these thresholds.


# The first pair of examples use data and dataMetrics objects as input. # The last pair of examples create the same plots now using the # SummarizedExperiment (i.e. dataSE) object input. # Example 1: Create interactive volcano plot of logged data using hexagon # bins for the background. data(soybean_cn_sub) data(soybean_cn_sub_metrics) app <- plotVolcanoApp(data = soybean_cn_sub, dataMetrics = soybean_cn_sub_metrics) if (interactive()) { shiny::runApp(app) } # Example 2: Create interactive volcano plot of logged data using points for # the background. app <- plotVolcanoApp(data = soybean_cn_sub, dataMetrics = soybean_cn_sub_metrics, option = "allPoints", pointColor = "magenta") if (interactive()) { shiny::runApp(app) } # Below is the same pair of examples, only now using the # SummarizedExperiment (i.e. dataSE) object as input. # Example 1: Create interactive volcano plot of logged data using hexagon # bins for the background. if (FALSE) { data(se_soybean_cn_sub) app <- plotVolcanoApp(dataSE = se_soybean_cn_sub) if (interactive()) { shiny::runApp(app) } } # Example 2: Create interactive volcano plot of logged data using points for # the background. if (FALSE) { app <- plotVolcanoApp(dataSE = se_soybean_cn_sub, option = "allPoints", pointColor = "magenta") if (interactive()) { shiny::runApp(app) } }